8:40 AM
Creating A Mysql Database For Wordpress

When your CMS files are located where they should be, you need to create a MySQL database. It should be noted that the process of creating a database may well differ depending on which hosting control panel you are going to use. Let's look at an example of creating a database on the most popular cPanel panel.


In the main menu of the control panel, select "MySQL Database Wizard" and enter the name of the database that you need there after that, you should create and add a user to the database, giving him administrator rights at the same time.


Initial WordPress Setup

If, after the steps above, you see such a window when you enter the address of your site in the line of the web browser, then everything went well.

After that, click "Create settings file" and get to the page where you need to fill in several suggested fields. The user is required to fill in the fields "Username", "Database Name", "Password", and leave the last two fields as is. If the data is entered correctly, a message will appear that you are doing everything correctly; the system will prompt you to start the installation. Also know more about $1 Web Hosting.


Then you need to register various registration data: the site title, Password and email address, User name.


At the bottom of the page, the "Install WordPress" button is activated to enter your data, this will mean the final stage of installing your WordPress site.


These fields will show the data (Name and Password) that you will need to log in to the WordPress admin panel, from where you can perform all the actions for setting up and filling your $1 Hosting website.


Installing a WordPress template

There are two ways to install a template for a WordPress site: manually and automatically.

Automatic WordPress template installation option

After logging into the WordPress dashboard, you can see tabs in the left corner, among which there is "Appearance".


When you click on "Appearance" => "Themes", you will be taken to the template management page, where from a variety of theme options you can choose the one that suits your requirements, as well as the theme of the site.


When you hover the mouse over any topic you like, you will be offered to activate it or see an example of exactly how it will look on the site.


Manual version of WordPress template installation

If you have not found the template you need from the suggested WordPress, you can always turn to Google to search for other WordPress templates from various design studios.


When you have found and downloaded the free WordPress template you need, you should use the previously mentioned FTP manager to connect to the hosting server. Then we unpack the necessary archive with the template into a special folder with themes. Activation of a new template is performed via the WordPress console. Also consider Cheap Reseller Hosting services.


Setting up a ready-made WordPress site

Your WordPress site is almost completely ready to publish posts in it. It remains only to add a couple of touches that will give your site consistency and neatness.


In the "Parameters" tab => "General Settings", enter the name of your site, its abstract description and other parameters (time zone, address, date).


Then you can go through the various settings of publishing, reading, media files. Adjust the settings for yourself so that using the WordPress site is simple and convenient for you.


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