7:13 PM
Inexpensive PHP Hosting And Its Configuration

PHP configuration on the hosting is performed by adjusting the information in the php.ini file. It contains data on all directives that determine not only the PHP reaction, but also the reaction of the website as a whole. The file must have a name so that the interpreter can easily find it. The system first of all searches for the php.ini file in the current folder. If it cannot be found in it, then the search will begin in the folder itself, the path to which should be specified in the PHPRC environment. Another option to check is the path that is set when building PHP.


The file structure can be divided into two parts:

  • Special control directives.
  • Comments that start with the “;" sign.


How to set up PHP on hosting

When configuring PHP hosting, all address paths to files should be specified using the “/" character, and not the reverse “\" character, which is often used in Windows command lines. After editing the PHP settings, a mandatory restart of the entire system is required. Only then will the new settings take full effect. Go with the 1 Dollar Hosting and make your website live.


  1. First you should find the item "PHP Configuration”, where the full list of PHP hosting settings will be located. Here you can even change the current version of PHP to a more up-to-date one. And, if you want $1 Web Hosting, consider the suggested website.


  1. If you are still a beginner, then the best option would be the help of a hosting provider. For a beginner, this will be the only right solution, since it is very difficult to figure out complex settings on your own. There are servers on which the local administration gives virtually unlimited rights to change the settings by the user, but there are also servers that strictly monitor any changes to the settings by the user.


  1. A number of servers allow you to set user settings.


How to expand configuration thresholds

In the vast majority of cases, PHP settings are set by default on the hosting. However, sometimes there are situations when inexpensive hosting requires some expansion of the general configuration thresholds.


In such cases, if you need to change the settings of the php.ini file manually, do this.


The following lines should be added to .htaccess:

  • AddHandler php5-fastcgi .php
  • Action php5-fastcgi /cgi-bin/php5.fcgi


After that, in the /cgi-bin/php5.fcgi folder, you need to create a file named exec /usr/bin/php -c /home/support/php.ini,


where /home/support/php.ini is the path to the php.ini file in the settings. Then we grant special rights to the 755 file named php5.fcgi — chmod 755 php5.fcgi. From now on, any process of processing information and its settings will be carried out taking into account the php.ini file.


There are two important nuances here:

  • When "error 500" appears, check the error file — log.
  • You need to use unix line feeds during the creation of a file called php5.fcgi. Exactly - \n.


Two more settings are very important:

disable_functions is a directive that allows you to set a reliable ban on calling several options due to the safe mode. The list of these functions is indicated independently by the user in the form of their names, which are separated by ordinary commas. Don’t forget about $1 Unlimited Hosting, will help you in meeting all your requirements.

  • memory_limit is a function that allows you to configure the parameters of the largest amount of memory that is used to execute various scripts.


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